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This is a remix of Loubie's beautiful dragon sculpture, Adalinda: The Singing Serpent ( Loubie had added a channel through the print so it would look like she's singing. Taking that, I edited the print to include a reservoir to hold a 1" incense cone. Simply light up your incense, get a good coal going, and drop Adalinda on top. Enjoy! Note: NEVER leave incense burning unattended. You'll need to put some aluminum foil, or the entire print into an incense bowl to prevent the incense from burning through your table. Additionally, some types of incense can leave a residue on the inside track of the air channel (like you'd get in your chimney in your house). If you start noticing a strange smell coming from her, or visibly notice buildup of soot and such inside the channel you should attempt to clean it as best as possible to prevent it from accidentally igniting. The chances of this are very slim, but it is posted here simply as a warning.From the original instructions: "You will need to use lots of cooling when printing her with PLA. With ABS, an enclosed environment is preferred as too much cooling will cause the model to crack You need to ensure your filament is measured as precisely as it can be (so your flowrate is correct) as the model will show up excess material really easily and it will spoil the clarity of the print." Also, this print can be scaled UP as much as you want, but do not scale it DOWN. The reservoir is just large enough at this size to hold the 1" incense cone. Any smaller and you'll be running into problems. This model was scaled down from the original to fit on a tiny build platform, so maximize her!

Adalinda: The Singing Incense Serpent
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Adalinda: The Singing Incense Serpent
Delivery (Jun 05 - Jun 07)