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I have made the Prusa Air 2 of Mecano in Catia. I'm not sure that you require this but I think it's a good idea to upload it.There are two zips. One contains all the .stl necessary to create the Air 2, and the other one contains all the Catia Parts and Products.I have made it with Catia V5 RC19, if you have a lower version meaby you will have problems.There are .stl taken from others, like the Jonas Kuehling's extruder and X carriage parts. The Y carriage is the EasyPlatform of Mecano. The X carriage is a work in progress and I will upload it when I test it.I have NOT tested the .stl part so do not try to print them ;)

Air 2 Catia parts and .stl
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Order summary
Air 2 Catia parts and .stl
Delivery (Jun 05 - Jun 07)