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I have already made several other batman items, and in the process, I was in need of a refreshing beverage. When I realized I needed a bottle opener to gain access to one at a critical time, and could not locate one, I turned to my printer (as usual). If you find yourself with an empty spot on your utility belt that needs to be filled, this may be the perfect item to do it will. To avoid wasting time or thoughts on the correct way to hold the thing in an emergency, it is designed so you can just grab it and go. It works in either direction, as long as the wings are what you are using. Update: I was requested to increase the depth of the dime placement by .5mm, I also increased the thickness of the base piece by the same to provide needed strength. If you would like to print the deeper version, use part 1a.Designed to fit a USA Dime, though other small coins (such as Canadian Dimes) may fit as well. This was printed using a Makerbot Replicator 2. I printed it with PLA. The setting were: 200/layer, 2 Shells, 50%% infill, at 225degC, The coin fits in very snug and may need to be put in at an angle with some force. When putting the parts together I wet them lightly and used Gorilla Glue, There was a small amount of expansion of the glue that needed to be trimmed off, but it provided a very strong adhesion and seems to strengthen the overall piece.

Batman Bottle Opener
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Batman Bottle Opener
Delivery (Jun 06 - Jun 08)