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This will be 3D printed near you and delivered to your door by Jun 06

Made my own base for CATASTRONAUT. I wanted to power it with battery and to be able to regulate brigthness. It's consists of many pieces but it should be easy to assemble, although you might need some glue. It uses Li-ion Battery to provide 3V and 10 kOhm potentiometer and a switch. It looks nice, but it's a real pain to soder together. All parts are inside zip archive with some instructions. I don't really know how accesable areparts that i've used so i include 123dx filees of my project, so you can customize and improve it easier. There's a lot of things to improve.instructions.docx is included in the zip archive. Parts fit together really well and there's onle one place for each part. If you got confused, you should dounload Base Complete.123dx blue parts are just guidelines, all the other ones are where they should be.

Battery base for CATASTRANAUT
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$ 0.00 + free delivery
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by Jun 06
  • 0 parts
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Battery base for CATASTRANAUT
Delivery (Jun 05 - Jun 07)