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Animated butterfly flies around rose. The file "Butterfly.MOV", located in the download, shows the project in action, or view it at "". The project can be assembled to animate electronically (using a 6vdc power supply, gear motor and coaxial power jack), or by hand cranking. The project was designed with Sketchup 8 (free version) and printed using Makerware on a Replicator 2 using PLA. Credits: "Butterfly.stl" is a modified version of audience_cat's "Garden Butterfly". "Rose.stl" is a modified version of tc_fea's ""Rose with stem". Thanks to both for their artistic talents.1) If you want your Butterfly to animate electrically, buy the motor "6VDC 45 RPM Pinky Finger Sized Gear Motor 1" Long x 15/32" x 3/8"" from either or directly from (this is the same motor I used in the "Marbelvator" design), a coaxial power jack (I used Radio Shack part number 274-1583), and a 6vdc power supply with the appropriate connector to fit the coaxial power jack (I used Radio Shack part number 273-316). 2) Buy .5 mm diameter piano wire (found mine at local hobby shop). 3) Print "Base.stl". 4) If you want your Butterfly to animate electrically, examine "Butterfly Assembly.skp" and slide motor into "Base.stl" (it will only slide in one way), install power jack on "Base.stl.", solder wires between motor and power jack, and finally print "Gear Motor.stl" and install on motor shaft. 5) Print "Axel.stl", two "Axel Cap.stl", "Gear Axel.stl" (only if animating electrically), and "Eccentric.stl." 6) Examine "Butterfly Assembly.skp" and assemble the axel assembly. Some sanding of "Axel.stl" may be necessary, but don't sand too much because "Axel Cap.stl", "Gear.stl" (only if animating electrically), and "Eccentric.stl" must not slide during operation. 7) Print "Guide.stl", "Lift.stl", "Stem.stl" and "Rose.stl". 8) Examine "Butterfly Assembly.skp" and assemble "Guide.stl", "Lift.stl", "Stem.stl" and "Rose.stl", then snap the assembly onto "Base.stl". Place a small drop of light machine oil in "Guide.stl". 9) Print "Butterfly.stl". 10) Cut about 200mm of .5mm piano wire. Press one end onto "Butterfly.stl" and add a dot of thick cyanoacrylate on both sides of "Butterfly.stl" around the wire. 11) Slide the other end of .5mm piano wire into the center of "Rose.stl". 12) If your Butterfly is flying electrically, plug it in. If not, turn the handle on the axel, but don't turn the handle on the axel when the motor and "Gear Motor.stl" are installed. 13) Enjoy!

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