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Domo with seperate arms you glue in the position you choosemodeled in sculptris and truespace 5 i made the body , legs and eyes in sculptris. the teeth, and arms I made in truespace 5. I also used truespace to "drill" the conical arm sockets in the body, and to make the feet have flat bottoms.pic of glued and permanent marker "painted" Domo shows him in his best form8 of these magnets on his feet (i use "crazy glue" to position the magnets, and then encapsulate the magnets in epoxy) makes Domo on my car hoood stay put at highway speeds! (and No i don't own stock in Harbor freight!)I printed with support on, it only puts a small support on the underside which was really easy to clean upThe arms have a ball shaped shoulder that you glue into the conical holes in the body. This gives a wide range of angles you can glue the arms into.I printed this pretty big, but I am fairly sure even a much smaller print would yield reasonable detail.

Domo modifiable arms version
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Domo modifiable arms version
Delivery (Jun 05 - Jun 07)