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Have modified the size of the part, and the clamp holder to make it stronger. (No updated picture yet.)Allows for extruder corner to be mounted next to idler to make extruder more rigid.Includes T5 belt clamp version, and GT2 belt clamp version.Working fine. :)Clamp is MUCH stronger.Now uses three bearings.Now two pieces, and allows new extruder-driven part to be bolted down.Includes two stl files for each belt type, one complete, the other is just the clamp part on its own.RJMP version for 25x16mm bearings.Tighten bolts in the side to clamp the bearings solid.New version, place bearings inside parts, insert nylocks into rear part, then bolt to the aluminium plate.Bolt belt clamp to rear part.

Orca 0.3 linear bearing lm8uu/RJMP x-carriage
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Orca 0.3 linear bearing lm8uu/RJMP x-carriage
Delivery (Jun 06 - Jun 08)