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Fan duct for the Printrbot Simple 1405 edition. This replaces the two wooden fan mount tabs and provides much better air flow than the printable fan shroud uploaded by Printrbot. This part also provides stabilization for the extruder motor and adds some stiffness to the front of the Y axis assembly. The design accepts the original mounting screws and provides two additional holes for 10mm long lower fan mount screws, but they are not really necessary. V0.4 Updated with slot for zip-tie cable hold. -Complete! V0.5 with better air flow New design makes printing much easier! I've increased the airflow about 30% and I no longer have blow-back from the fan(stock printerbot fan). This new update has a flat bottom to print right side up on the build platform. I used Slic3r with a .32 layer height and small supports under the right side overhang and the inner mouth of the duct outlet. See pics for comparison to the old design. I printed the new model in about 2 hours, but using a layer height of .2 - .3 and going a little slower should result in better layer adhesion. I have not had issues with warping from the heat off the hotend or extruder motor but I used 3 bottom layers, 4 top layers, 3 perimeters and 10% infill with my print just to be safe. If you have any sugestions please let me know and I will try to incorporate them. Thanks for the good feedback so far!

Printrbot Simple 1405 Fan Duct
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by Jun 06
  • 0 parts
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Printrbot Simple 1405 Fan Duct
Delivery (Jun 05 - Jun 07)