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3/6/2012 Update: I just uploaded a beta of the new version now with centering and initial Slic3r layer support. There still significant issues with this version so I continue to suggest you use v3 unless you need centering or buggy slic3r support.Hey guys! This is a gcode viewer for makerbot (3D) and 5D gcode written in processing. It's open-source and still a work in progress so if you would like to help out feel free to look at the git: It supports viewing dualextrusion prints colored correctly. Comment with any feature requests you have.You should probably have a discrete gpu to use this; integrated graphics work but it'll be realllllly slow.Thanks: I realized this needed to be done while working at makerbot and listening to Ben Rockhold constantly bragging about pleasant3D (which is OSX-only and closed-source). So I guess he's largely responsible.Inspirations I had for this: Pleasant3D Makerbot's ToolPathViz install just download your zip file, unzip, and run the executable.To be clear, you must unzip the entire archive and keep the executable in its original folder. At least in windows it certainly won't run without the dll's and jars.P.S. If it does work for you please comment and tell future colleges what a cool dude I am.If you want to download the source from git and use it yourself here's how:

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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by Jun 06
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Delivery (Jun 05 - Jun 07)