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Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present to you the culmination of everything I know, and all I have ever learned, poured into this: the defining 3D model of my life. Whether you're fending off orcs at Minas Tirith or you're just lazy and need to be able to shave while eating your Cheerios, this is the only eating utensil you will ever need -- half spoon, half fork, and half menacing battle axe. Eat efficiently! Defend yourself barbarically! Shave while eating! Behead your fruit! Stop for lunch while chopping wood!You can also get it at Shapeways in a variety of materials, including stainless steel. I recommend solid silver, of course, because it's expensive. I might actually try it in steel and see how it holds an edge. UPDATE: Unlock a HIDDEN feature! Hold the axe head in your hand, place a chunk of food on the spork, pull back to flex the shaft, and then release. This works best if the food is set aflame just before launch.Other Sporks of Fury: Sporkchucks (Sporkchaku): Chinese Throwing Spork (hire-shuriken): Print.2) Impale. 3) Devour.(I printed at 0.2mm layer height with support material in slic3r.)

Sporkle Axe (or Sporkle Axapult)
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Order summary
Sporkle Axe (or Sporkle Axapult)
Delivery (Jun 06 - Jun 08)