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NOTE: this Thing is designed for printing on a MakerBot (accomodating for shrinkage, overhang, etc). For a more up-to-date, non-MakerBot version, see: A friction-fit cap for the bottom of the iPhone 4/5 that allows a stethoscope to be attached and recorded using the built-in microphone. As the sound passes through the rubber stethoscope tubing, it is funneled directly to the mic at the bottom of the phone. A quick test recording can be heard here: for the shrinkage of a MakerBot, this piece is printed in two pieces. Once finished, the two halves should be welded with plastic cement.Prints well at 40% infill and 2 shells.

Stethoscope Attachment for iPhone
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Stethoscope Attachment for iPhone
Delivery (Jun 06 - Jun 08)