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I'm revisiting an old favorite again. The full-sized, precise bronze copy of Michelangelo's Moses continues to tease me with his great sinuous, smoky locks of beard, his fearsome gaze and technical bravado as there is something new to see every time I stop by with my camera. I've done a rough model of the entire figure before, but this time I wanted to focus just on the head. While this model is better than before, I'm still not satisfied as I find it so difficult to get good photos of Moses' shoulders, neck, the top of his head or the far left side around his left ear and further back due to the sculpture being raised high off the ground and set against a panel. Sharp eyed people will notice the degradation in model quality if they rotate the head from the right ear to the left ear and further or look down on top of his head. I will be using a ladder plus a painter pole to help me finally get more coverage and hopefully an adequate model that does justice to the work and spirit of Michelangelo.

The Head of Michelangelo's Moses
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by Jun 06
  • 0 parts
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The Head of Michelangelo's Moses
Delivery (Jun 05 - Jun 07)