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A printable A-B-Stereo Microphone I wanted to have a mic which I cought use for general purpose recording in conjunction with my old iriver h120 (with rockbox installed). I didn't found a suitable mic without a build in recorder:) So after a little bit googleing I found this article about a low-cost homebrew solution and decided to get a bunch of these panasonic wm61-capsules described in the article to start experimenting with them - here is the result. A special feature of this microphone is it's variable stereo width (by time-of-arrival stereophony). The button near the audio jack is the on/off-swiitch, the second one a gain boost. By swapping two resistors in the circuit, the gain boost could be easily converted to a gain damp. The preamp circuit isn't necessary at all, if your recorders preamp has phantom power. But the 9v battery increases the headroom for louder signals and powers the 4 capsules more convenient. The distance between capsules and preamp shouldn't boo to long. I'm quite happy with the sound. You can download some audio examples here: Non printed parts: -2-4 Panasonic wm-61 electret condenser capsules (4 give better signal to noise ratio) -2 M4 bolts ~12mm -8 M3 bolts ~15mm -1 M3 bolt 30mm -4 M4 nuts -50cm enameled copper wire (0.2mm) -a simple preamp circuit (the included schematic is a fritzing-file -9Volt Battery -two rubber bands printing: easy to print, except the case parts need support. electronic: it`s a simple preamp circuit based on a tl072 op-amp. The board is 69*18mm. You can take all information from thr .fzz-file. The rest might be figured from the pictures and the files (I'm too lazy to descibe in further detail, but helpful if you're stuck and need advice:)

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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by Jun 06
  • 0 parts
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Delivery (Jun 05 - Jun 07)