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Earth 3D model in 130,000 triangles
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The Earth 3D model is in .stl format with 128,880 triangles. The file size is 6 Megabytes for the "out" side of the globe shell. The inside file is 1/4 inch smaller in diameter than the 5.5 inch outside of the Earth Crust Gobe. The exaggeration factor is 200x for mountain heights and seafloor depths.

Links to the 3D model of Earth in two files:

Outside of globe shell

Inside of shell

I have a utility that can merge both files into one file.
The Earth model is from a digital database called ETOPO2 using the Smith-Sandwell Report on bathymetric details.

The file names are crust200x_out.stl and crust200x_in.stl and the copyright notice in the file says, "Copyright Alan Folmsbee 2014 : copying this Earth globe file is free in 2014!!!!" Yes, everyone can get a copy of this file for free in 2014. But starting in 2015, the price goes up astronomically.
mhagan - I sliced the outer shell in to the northern and southern hemispheres for easier printing.
9 years, 9 months ago
vinnie90 - I bet if you put this on Thingiverse a lot of people would like this!
9 years, 9 months ago
globemaker - Yes, Thingverse, today !
mhagan: thanks for cutting the Earth 200x Globe in half. That makes the printing process become cleaner than if an overhang is there.
9 years, 9 months ago
elpulpo - Very cool!!
9 years, 9 months ago
globemaker - I am glad you like the Globes. I uploaded 17 models of planets to thingiverse
I am available to design custom planets for the well funded civilization:
Mercury Globe 5x 10x 30x
Venus Globe 250x 150x
Earth Mark II
Earth Seafloor
Moon 5x 10x 30x elevation exaggeration
Mars 7x 20x 97x
Soon : asteroids Ceres, Vesta, Jovian Moons..
Sky's the limit
9 years, 9 months ago
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