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Speech Genre
Many people face the experience of people not listening to them speak. Why is that? What can we do to sound powerful? The genre speech is a crucial concept that definitely influences people’s conversation and the ability to sound in a proper way. For example, it is obvious that person cannot speak with the child and the professor of the university using the same genre. The vocabulary, intonation, and the manner of speaking is not the same. Besides, style, semantic content and compositional structure differs according to various life situations and the areas of human activities. Understanding of the general rules connected with speech genres helps individuals sound in a proper way. The analysis of a «job interview» in the paper will present an example of speech genre.
Providing a speaking-style analysis, the first and foremost fact is that normally people use the genre while they have interlocutions. The process includes one person trying to get a job and the other one posing questions in order to decide whether to hire the applicant or not. It is clear that the participants in the conversation are the employer and potential employee. Both of them are involved in the conversation. The employer is asking questions and the employee is trying to respond. The main goal of the employee is to get a job, while the employer wants to hire a professional and does not want to make a wrong decision.
The indication of both people entering into a conversation in the job interview genre is that usually the person who hires starts asking some general questions about education, desires, and hobbies of the interviewee. Then the employee has a chance to speak, to describe him or herself from the beneficial point of view, to show all knowledge in the required sphere. However, the important skill is not to interrupt the interviewer, but listen attentively to the questions, and try to give the full and coherent answer. Besides, the employee has to interest the employer in his or her candidature. In other words, an applicant does not need to speak all the time. During job interview, it is better when the person speaks less, however, materially.
The people during the job interview genre are «at ease» rather than «in conflict». The general mood of the conversation is positive, as the representatives are planning to get what they need: a good job and a professional worker. Therefore, both people who are involved in the conversation are free from worry or awkwardness. The genre is one that promotes a sense of «hierarchy» among participants. In fact, there is no sense of «equality» due to the fact that an immediate superior interviews the person who applies for a job. For example, in student-student norms of speaking, the relationship is considered to have a sense of «equality». However, when the employer and employee involve in the conversation, there is definitely «hierarchy» among participants.
Moreover, instrumentalities also have to be taken into consideration. For instance, during some job interviews more than one language can be used. If the future job requires the ability to speak in different languages, then the interviewer may pose some questions in foreign language. It is obvious that job interview speech genre involves only formal style of speaking. Any style is inseparably related to the utterance and to the typical forms utterances, that is, speech genres. Thus, the formal style is an important aspect in the speech genres. During the job interview, neither participant can use jargons or anecdotes. The language should be rich and consisting of complicated vocabulary. At the same time, both parties have to speak in a simple and clear way, should show the eloquence and sometimes even oratory skills.
During the job interview, gestures have to be sedate and composed. The interview should not contain waving the hands or being hyperactive. In addition, the mimic of the face should be positive. The person cannot show dissatisfaction with something. It is better to smile and show by body language that the atmosphere is pleasing. Finally, significant silence sometimes is better that speaking too much, as the general perception of the person may be spoiled. In some cases, a potential employee has to stay calm and keep silence, giving the opportunity to the interviewer to speak or pose questions.
The general rules of job interview speech genre include the polite manner of speaking, positive mimic, calm gestures, the ability to stay silent when necessary, eloquent vocabulary, and formal style during the conversation between the employer and an applicant. If the expectations of both people are not met, the result of the conversation is negative. In the case of job interview, the employee does not get a job and the employer does not hire a good worker. In conclusion, the job interview speech genre is a formal style of the conversation, which involves two people: the interviewer or employer and the interviewee or employee.
Literary Genre
Among literary genres in the literature the science fiction presents particular interest. The genre impresses by its variety of themes that are included in its context. Besides, science fiction shows the world of desires, gives some reality, and usually reveals tragic chains of events. Science fiction is a world of exaggerated drama. The genre is about dangerous world. Moreover, all forms of art have their science fiction branches (Rabkin 1983: 4). The good examples of the literary genre are Alan Bloch’s «Men Are Different», Antony Boucher’s «The Ambassadors», and Herbert George Wells’ «The Invisible Man».
Providing a speaking-style analysis on the genre, the setting is the initial part. As it was mentioned before, the foundation of the genre is the events that happen in the ordinary life, regular occasions in the world. It is a way and a kind of the conversation between the author and the reader. It seems that the author wants to depict some elements of the environment, topics or issue which exists around people. The author depicts the actions by the main character and transfers the picture to the audience. For instance, Wells creates typical representatives of his period of time, so the problems represented by the author are clear and understandable for a reader.
The main goal of the author is to make the readership understand the main message, which the writer presumes. At the same time, readers seek to get some pleasure from the particular piece of writing. In other words, all participants of the «conversation» and their desires are twisted. For example, Wells` science fiction «The Invisible Man» sends the message of isolation. The main character has no real friends or family. It seems that he is isolated from the whole civilization and community. The theme is what Wells wants the reader to understand. A proper way of transferring message includes a typical true hero; it would be difficult not to believe him. He was wrapped up from head to foot, and the brim of his soft felt hat hit every inch of his face but the shiny tip of his nose. Even the image of the character motivates the reader to think about the hero`s isolation.
The process, by which the works get from their creators' minds to their audiences, includes a number of ways. For example, in Alan Bloch «Men Are Different», the language plays crucial role. It is simple and clear, which is definitely one of the ways to pass the main idea from the creator`s mind to the reader. Besides, the process of describing men is very deliberate. The scientists tell that Men were like us – and the skeleton of a Man is almost the same as the skeleton of a Robot, except that it is made of calcium compound instead of titanium. The technique to contrast the Earth Men to the Robot used by Asimov is supportive to the passing of message.
The general rules that are involved in the process of creation, distribution, and consumption of works in the science fiction genre include the creator`s ability to depict the general atmosphere and mood of the piece of writing. Moreover, the ability to create a typical character and usage of simple and clear language with the rich vocabulary are important factors. Besides, for the printed book, the coverage and the quality of paper are crucial for buyers. In case the expectations of the creator and the buyer are not met, the particular science fiction book will not succeed in a market.
The common features of science fictions are as follows: the main aim is to depict and describe some future technologies, involve partially different theories of science and universe, the variety of settings, for example in space, the different world or universe. Science fiction can describe important issues in society. The ideas may be themes of love, loneliness, happiness. The genre even may consist of some predictions for the future. In case a person wants to deliver a piece of writing such using a science fiction genre he or she has to understand that it should be something in between reality and fantasy.
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3 years, 9 months ago
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3 years ago
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2 years, 9 months ago
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1 year, 2 months ago
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