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Ever wish you could store your gw paints in something like you'd find at the hobby/game store? Simply grab some 3/16" dowels, #6 x 1/2 screws, 1/4" MDF board, and 1 1/2" corner braces, as well as something with which to mount the shelves... and you're all set! I freestyled the distances between shelves, but approx 2 3/4" apart, with 22 or so degrees of incline. Make the shelves as long and as deep as you want (you may need to add supports underneath if they get too big). For the length, just use multiples of the length of the part (4 3/4") and leave 1 1/2" in between each part to hold n-1 extra columns of paint per shelf having n parts (the part by itself makes 3 columns, so that's 3n+n-1 columns of paint per shelf!) Cut dowels to match shelf dimensions and just hot glue the dowels into place. Enjoy.P.S. Only the bottom row in the picture has the dowels that go in between the paints inserted. Excuse the WIP shots, I hope to finish it soon... it's just that I have so much to else to print! (I call that a good problem)Printed in PLA on Printrbot Metal Simple using Simplify3D standard profile for Printrbot. I freestyled the distances between shelves, but approx 2 3/4" apart, with 22 or so degrees of incline. Make the shelves as long and as deep as you want (you may need to add supports underneath if they get too big). For the length, just use multiples of the length of the part (4 3/4") and leave 1 1/2" in between each part to hold n-1 extra columns of paint per shelf having n parts (the part by itself makes 3 columns, so that's 3n+n-1 columns of paint per shelf!) Cut dowels to match shelf dimensions and just hot glue the dowels into place.

GW-vendor styled paint rack
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$ 0.00 + free delivery
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 06
  • 0 parts
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GW-vendor styled paint rack
Delivery (May 05 - May 07)