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This is a hopper that turns 90 degrees so you can mount a kit Filastruder vertically. Extruding downward works better for winding, and for more melty materials like PLA. It also reduces the footprint of the machines, especially if you can mount it on the wall. I'm sure this won't work for the enclosed Filastruder. I don't have the case, so I don't know what would need to be altered to make it work. I originally made an adapter which is basically a ramp that would slide in to the standard hopper, and something like that would work for the enclosed Filastruder. However that creates an opening leading down to the pipe which is probably too small. The funnel is smaller than it needs to be. I just needed to make sure it didn't run into the flange. A better design would be rectangular, or square with the hole off center so you can get more capacity without bumping the flange.Slide it on in place of the standard hopper. You may or may not need to trim the spacer on the side of the hopper to position it correctly over the opening in your pipe, depending on how it is threaded into the flange. Screw the switch box onto the base at a point where it will wedge the PID against the support.

Vertical Hopper for Filastruder
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 12
  • 0 parts
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Vertical Hopper for Filastruder
Delivery (May 11 - May 13)