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This CandleStick Lamp houses a MagLite Solitaire flashlight, and diffuses the light to produce ambient illumination suitable for things like reading, writing, and arithmatic. It's also nice as a mood light for more esoteric reasons :)Here is a video: was inspired recently by the fabulous GLOWSTICK CANDELABRA by Bioluminescence. She made her project to house glow sticks. You can find that thing here: lamp is a continuation of my exploration of pairing readily available light sources with digital manufcaturing (3d printing and laser cutting. You can check these out on Shapeways:-LED Candle ( Pendant ( Candelabra ( tealight holders ( out the three partspurchase a Maglite SOLITAIRE flashlight.push the flashlight with gentle force into the base-part so that the full top end (the part that twists the light on) comes out the top. (warning!! the flashlight should fit snugly in such a way that you can remove it with the use of a dowel later easily to change batteries ... if you need to use excessive force, the flashlight will become stuck forever and you won't be able to change the batteries - if it is too tight, do a little sanding until it slides in snugly.. if it is too loose, wrap your flashlight in a little masking tape).push the cup-part onto the top of the flashlight, and make the lens flush with the lower ledge, not the lip of the cup.push the candle-part into the top of the cup-part.NOTE: This lamp was designed and printed using an UP! printer. (took several tries to design it even with the use of calipers!) Your printer may print it to fit more snugly or loosely than my experience. This means that you may find you need to sand your joints to get them the ft the same way. You may need to use masking tape around your maglight if it is loose, and you may need to glue the candle portion into the cup if it is loose. You can help me help others by posting your experience with printing this item, and then I will update the instructions.

CandleStick Lamp
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CandleStick Lamp
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)