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This is for when you want to film yourself doing something stupid from the first-person perspective, but you don't own one of those cool little GoPro cameras. Now, you can use your ubiquitous smart phone to film your adolescent misadventures. I would recommend not using this for anything near water, you know, because your phone isn't waterproof... Oh who am I kidding?! If you're filming yourself barreling down a mountain on an ironing board while wearing a pink bunny rabbit costume, you've already thrown common sense out the window. Just don't blame me for your compound fractures :) Peace! How to use: In the pics, you can see that the smart phone base plate has a swivel that notches into the chest plate. This will attach with a strap of elastic, or a thick rubber band. This will allow you to change the angular position of the smart phone in relation to the angle your body is inclined to. You, know, biking and parkour have differing attack angles. This will allow to change on the fly. The mounting lugs on the back of the mount plate are for rubber bands. The way you will mount your phone is to wrap rubber bands from one lug to another across the front to secure your phone. If you're an old fogey like me who used to fly rc airplanes, this will make more sense. Naturally, you'll want to avoid the lens of your phone. Use as many rubber bands as your remaining common sense can find, and strap it to the base plate. This is why it is called "Ghetto Pro", and not "Cool-Phone-Mount-That-Is-Well-Designed, uh, Pro. This also makes it more versatile for the remaining five people on Earth who don't own an iPhone.("Resistance is futile! You will be assimilated!", Said Steve Jobs' frozen head.) The slots are made for 3/4 inch(I'm not converting it if you use that other measuring system that makes sense) nylon webbing. You will be responsible for finding out how to tie everything together in the back. I am imagining mine will be a series of four snap buckles and accessory straps to get some adjustment. Since we are all misshapen mutants, It didn't make sense to try and figure that out for all of you. Now, make those You tube commentors happy and go film yourself doing something stupid!

Ghetto Pro Camera Mount
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 08
  • 0 parts
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Ghetto Pro Camera Mount
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)