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Birdhouse Challenge entry. This thing is a Birdhouse Castle Tower complete with features fit for a king (sparrow)! Features a birdbath on top, designed with rain in mind so their heirs won't drown in their bathwater. Simple 3 Piece snap assembly requires no support material, fasteners, or special or remedial skills. Print Tested.EDIT New Bridge uploaded incase the regular one's normals are flipped. In this design, I challeneged myself to try and merge all of the aspects I felt were most important. It had to print with no supports. Be easy to put together and print. Have multiple functions for the occupants, but they must all be hidden in the guise of aesthetics. So the perch became a banner carrier, the balcony became the drainage system (since rain wouldn't slide off a bowl or castle top shape) Hanger hooks became the arrow slots and the platforms & feeder became a bridge. There is both a functional and aestethic reason for each and every piece, built in a way that is all integrated for a small number of parts & ease of assembly and printing reliability. Oh yeah, and it had to look awesome, and if you hate birds, you can still play with it. It's rather large, but every effort has been made to reduce weight and material cost. Hope you enjoy! PRINT DETAILS: Set your scale based on local birds and printbed. Ensure you can print the BASE first. 50% is what I used, gets you a tower 200mm tall with an opening of about 1.25". Print 1 Base (BRIM Recommended) Print 1 Mid section Print 1 Top section Optional: Print 2 Perchs (BRIM Recommended) Print 2 Bridges (BRIM recommended) Banner for example only you'll have to design your own based on your scale. Refer to picture for details. You'll need string and printer & paper. Unfortunately paper is not weather proof. Clean the holes where the pegs go in with an exacto knife. And snap together. That's pretty much it. Settings used in this example for reference: Printed in silver PLA. (you'll notice the top and mid sections have vastly lower detai due to a nozzle extruder issue... but fixed by the time it got to the base!) .21mm layer height .63mm bottom/top layer (3 solid top or bottom layers) 20% infil 60mm/s print speed 100mm/s infil speed 220C 2 Line Shell (3line for mid section)

Birdhouse Rook, Castle Tower
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Birdhouse Rook, Castle Tower
Delivery (May 04 - May 06)