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One of things Evo 3D users missed is the kickstand from Evo. I don't know why HTC left it out, I thought it was great. My friend also got an Evo 3D recently. He convinced me to work on a kickstand version of my previous case. So here it is.As always, this case only works with extended batteries with this specific battery door: note: The kickstand pushes against the battery door, that's how I get it to stay put. This will probably rub off the satin-y grip coating in that area (if your version of the battery door is covered with it). The kickstand kicks open at 45 degree intervals. 45 and 90 degrees are the only two useful angles.Updates:If you like this, please show some love by posting pictures of your print and/or comment.

HTC Evo 3D extended battery case w/ kickstand!
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HTC Evo 3D extended battery case w/ kickstand!
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)