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This is an extra part for the cubietower case. You can use it to mount the 'K20-05' 5V 4A PSU that you can find on ebay (which is 58x96x25mm). See: (Update: i see above link doesnt show the item anymore, you can find them with a international search on '5v 4a led', scroll down a bit :) ) Also the included openscad makes it pretty easy to make any random section for the cubieboard .. So .. i grabbed the sketchup file and was totally lost in sketchup's mess ... Then i just grabbed the hdd-section stl, and imported it into blender. There i closed all the holes of that section, exported to stl and fixed with netfap. Then, i imported the .stl in OpenSCAD and just editted it in there, way easier, wish i thought of it before :P

Cubieboard Tower Case - PSU Section
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Cubieboard Tower Case - PSU Section
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)