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Version 2.1b has been confirm as functional! Thanks nycdesigner and tbuser for sticking with me!This is a complete rebuild of the recorder instruments with more scientific measurements and a more sound theory as well as an entirely unique and slick design.The recorder is one of the oldest woodwind instruments. In the hands of an experienced player it creates a sound synonymous with Renaissance music. Often used in elementary music classes because of it's ease of operation. With 3D printing everyone can have one of their own to make beautiful music on... or wailing screeches if they never got past "hot crossed buns".Ever since I've seen the whistle ( ) and it's variations ( ) I've wondered about the feasibility of extending it to a flute. However when I finally did decide to tackle it I ended up designing the whole thing from scratch (which is why this isn't a derivative of the whistle).Version History: Ver2.0 - recorderv2mouthpiece.stl + recorderv2body.stl + recorderv2foot.stl: The mouthpiece in this version is the tallest piece at about 119.3mm which is cutting it too close for a TOM.Ver2.1a - recorderv2.1amouthpiece.stl + recorderv2.1body.stl + recorderv2foot.stl: Per input from nycdesigner and tbuser the ring around the base of the parts has been widened to increase stability during print, the mouthpiece has been altered with a shorter windway and 1mm taller window. This brings the mouthpiece to being short enough for a TOM and does not effect tuning tho it may require slightly more air to work.Ver2.1b - recorderv2.1amouthpiece.stl + recorderv2.1body.stl + recorderv2foot.stl: Same as 2.1a except the windway now slopes towards the lip. tbuser found that worked best for his 6 hole flute ( ) so I've included it for experimentation.Print the 3 parts. Put them together. Warm up the mouthpiece with your hand before playing for best sound. Blow gently.Note that if you start with all holes covered and remove them one-by-one that the high notes are going to sound flat. That is normal. To get the proper tones for all the notes use the key chart on .

Recorder V2 (instrument)
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 08
  • 0 parts
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Recorder V2 (instrument)
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)