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Housing for the Sparkfun Tiny AVR Programmer. Fair Warning I am still using 1.2 and have yet to print a 1.3. The only changes between the two was the notch to secure the two halves was too close to the upper layer of the lower housing. So for 1.3 the lower housing walls were raised slightly adding more structure above the notch and the top was adjusted accordingly. When printing make sure you rotate the top 180 so the flat surface is on the bed of your printer. I keep doing that manually and forgetting to change the actual STL. The Programmer should fit into the lower housing with little trouble, there is a slight lip at the far end to assist. However I found the fit to be tight enough that it wasn't needed. Then simply snap on the top.

ATtiny Programmer Housing 1.3
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ATtiny Programmer Housing 1.3
Delivery (May 05 - May 07)