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Make your own jewelry with this thing! The given earrings can be used to stimulate some acupressure points of your ear. It was inspired by Eckerput's "Rounded Square Vase, Cup, and Bracelet Generator" Thing:86522. Thanks to Eckerput and his item generators! Use OpenScad or the build in Customizer to set your parameters and generate unique vases, rings and bracelets. Use your slicer software to generate only perimeters without infill to make the things hollow. Change each parameter and look at the changes made. Some parameters are only active for the solid model type. I added an clamp option for earrings. So they work for each one's ear or even your nose! To start with it, set the values Ceonf and Strfa to 1 in the Customizer.

Earrings, Vases, Bracelets - Spiked Spiral Generator
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Earrings, Vases, Bracelets - Spiked Spiral Generator
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)