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Print in different colors for some simple pawns to use in roleplaying and wargaming figurine battles (I use red for enemies and blue for friendly NPCs). The numbers are good to use for mooks that don't have individual figurines, like a group of gnolls, so you can keep separate which one is Gnoll #2 and which is Gnoll #5. These should print without supports or brims. I find they print much better done one at a time, as annoying as that is. The versions that have "supports" in the filename have manually inserted supports to help them print well, but which you can easily cut away with an XActo knife. You may find you don't need them; if the regular versions print okay for you, so much the better -- many also have better-looking letters and numbers, with more natural curves. But you'll probably have better luck with the supports versions.

Numbered Roleplaying or Wargaming Pawns
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Numbered Roleplaying or Wargaming Pawns
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)