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The title is only a half truth, and I left it that way because I have a feeling that no one would take this thing seriously if I didn't fib a little bit. In fact, I even think it's a little absurd, but I try to upload everything I create.This pepper shaker is made using a toilet paper tube. I needed to make a pepper shaker for an English project. It's a long story, but I needed something that would model the pepper shaker in this video: I decided that the best way to do this was to use a toilet paper tube, and create an insert for both ends that would seal one side and "do the salt and pepper shaker thing" on the other side. I'm quite satisfied with the results. Notes:-This fits the toilet paper tubes I had lieing around, but I'm not sure if it's a standard size. I actually had to add some duct tape around the edges, but I scaled up the STL by 1mm so it should be good to go. -I don't necessarily recommend using this as an actual pepper shaker. Despite the issues about ABS (, there are also issues with how sanitary the inside of the toilet paper tube in question is. I would expect most toilet paper holders to be pretty clean, but it's something to think about. -The hole in the center filled with ABS, but the shaker still works really nicely. And yes, one of the square holes is not perfectly even, but oh well. I'll fix it later. -Don't judge. One does what one must to do to pass one's courses.Print, push bottom into toilet paper tube, fill, push top into toilet paper tube. Optional: decorate toilet paper tube as desired (I used rubber bands as circular straight-edges to create even lines quickly).

Pepper Shaker
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 08
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Pepper Shaker
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)