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This is a fully modular fully snap fit, support free 3d print of the original Enterprise! This model is also fully compatible with my Airship, Saturn V, and Trireme upgrades: So you can mix and match the parts to make any combination you want! It is a work in progress so let me know if you have any troubles printing the parts.This can be sliced with either MakerWare or Replicator G. My preference is MakerWare for the speed and quality of the rounded surfaces. The big plate with all of the parts is an ambitious print and it is not for the faint of heart or impatient. I broke it up into sections though for easier slicing and batch printing. The entire model was made in Autodesk Inventor and then exported to .stl. I made this as a shell as I like the challenge of shell construction as well as the print advantages. Since it is a work in progress please let me know if you have any issues, I have printed several and in several scales but that does not mean it is perfect yet so post your experience with printing. Best results with .15 mm layers and speeds around 80mm/s on the insets and 60 or less on the outlines. And of course I recommend acceleration with the latest firmware available.

Enterprise 1701 Modular Snap-Fit Model
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Enterprise 1701 Modular Snap-Fit Model
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)