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Based on an idea i got from the MakerWatch and MacGuyvers derivative. Was not quite happy with it, so i reverse-enginered his design in my CAD-Tool and added my own style to it... Guess it is not a 100% accurate replica (seems the old design was based on imperial units, im working only metric), so they probably can't be combined. I had some other ideas for the design too, but this one was the first that got realized. (I might do one where the bracelet looks even more like a tank thread. I was thinking of something that looks a bit like the Leopard 2 tracks, with the two "cushions" in a row.)Printed on an UP Mini with max. detail, max. support, 0.2mm layer in ABS. Takes about 12 links to go around an average male wrist, depending on how thight you want it to be and how much flesh is on your bones... The Links might be a little thight, but with some bending and working the joints it's now just where i want it to be, not to loose but still moving. The base-plate is quite thick to fit under the iPod Nano clip, but it works and is not as loose as the ones i've found here.

Jaipnab - Just another iPod Nano (G6) Arm Bracelet
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Jaipnab - Just another iPod Nano (G6) Arm Bracelet
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)