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These are the first of a range of templates that Beehive will be making available as we develop our Design Your Own Custom Eyewear Interface - please support us at if you print these for yourself!3 hour build time face-up (smooth exterior, rough interior, lots more support).1.5 hour build time face-down (smooth interior, rough and chunky exterior like the ones pictured).Integrated hinges are weak - be careful or replace with metal ones.Holes for hinges will likely need to be drilled out after printing - use long glasses screws or a paper clip to fasten. Probably not a good idea to soak these in acetone considering they will spend lots of time near your eyes! Use sandpaper/blowtorch/file to smooth out instead.Please let us know if you better this design!Happy Printing,Beehive :)

3D Printed Glasses
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3D Printed Glasses
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)