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"Transitos Publicos (Public Transits)" is the prototype created and fabricated by team "Commuters" during STTF2013. You can download the prototype booklet, check the code on Github, and view its final presentation video. This prototype is mainly composed by cork agglomerate and wood agglomerate milled in a CNC machine, with several physical computing elements such as an Arduino, an LCD display, or servomotors, and other components as a paper "manjerico". It was designed to fit with other similar prototypes into a central column made of recycled wood pallets and powered by a solar panel. STTF2013 is a Summer School that took place between 8-13 July 2013 at ISCTE-IUL (University Institute of Lisbon), organized by VitruviusFabLab-IUL (Digital Fabrication Laboratory) and CIES-IUL (Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology). For more information on the Summer School, its discussion, design and fabrication processes, participants, or this prototype, please visit:

STTF2013 Prototype - Commuters: "Transitos Publicos"
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STTF2013 Prototype - Commuters: "Transitos Publicos"
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)