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I originally ordered the shield but it never arrived (I balme customs) and after seeing the price tag on a new scanner I decided to forge ahead anyways. So this arduino sketch works with an off the shelf RAMPS 1.4 board and now you can make a Fabscan without a soldering iron! I attached my 1st scan at "normal quality" It's of my teeth just after I got my braces off as a kid.It's really simple. Follow all the instructions from the original Fabscan project. just ignore the board and arduino wiring. I changed the pin-outs in the arduino ino file to work with the RAMPS board. X-min = light switch X axis = turn table y axis = laser D8 = laser power D9 = LED power y-min = MS You will notice a light switch. In the older versions they had light controls and they left it in their code (I assume in case they want to come back to it) I brought it back in the form of a way to light your workspace while you work while still leaving the code and serial command in place so they can change their software and this .ino file should still work. The switch is wired up just like the tutorial from arduino and I've attached an image to help you out. So get yourself a foot of 12v LED strip and one 10k resistor and a switch and you have a work light that you can turn off during your scans. Side note if you haven't checked out their software go look at some of the screen captures. After I got mine all built I was able to calibrate it super fast and directly in the menu they have and export to .STL file. So it amazing and great credit to them. I plan to go back and modify the case somewhat but this is a great way to avoid soldering or making you own PCB's. Also attached is a very basic cover for the top and front you can use to block light during a scan.

Fabscan RAMPS Edition
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
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  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 05
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Fabscan RAMPS Edition
Delivery (May 04 - May 06)