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I know, the last thing we need is another RAMPS box... but I wanted to put up the updated Sliding Lid Project Box, and demonstrate the new screw hole option. I also thought it would be good to show an actual use of the parametric box. The original box did not print the actual holes for screws, just screw blocks you could drill into. That was because I felt that printed holes were hard to get accurate, and this could lead to plastic cracking stresses. Now holes are printed as a star shaped hole, a bit like some masonry mounts. These will accept a lot of different screws and not stress out. There are now two parameters to separately specify the screw hole, and the hole in the lid.Please see the original object for instructions, but really it is best to just read the OpenSCAD code if you want to fiddle. If anyone feels something is obscure please let me know and I'll improve the comments! With respect to the RAMPS box version, the stepper leads and other leads can come in the vent holes on the left, while the PCB stack slides in from the right, with the shield actually going in the PCB guides. A 40mm fan bolts onto the lid, and so air flows over the stepper drivers and out the vents. You could add more vents even. The lid has holes and vents for a standard 40mm fan, held in by four M3 16mm bolts. Module HoleInLid has the code for this, and module HoleInEnd has the various openings for plugs, vents and cables. I put a small strip of foam on the end section of the lid to hold the PCBs in place snugly. I have printed the RAMPS 1.4 box components on my ToM, but on a HBP. There may not be room on the ABP. The standard box is 9060*35, with one pair of screw holes and two sets of PCB support. Just as an example, really.

Sliding Lid RAMPS 1.4 box
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 09
  • 0 parts
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Sliding Lid RAMPS 1.4 box
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)