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This is a multi-armed swiveling web-cam armature. I built a fume hood for my Afinia from 1" PVC piping. I wanted to monitor my prints and take time-lapse shots. I mounted my camera outside the hood but the thick plastic made the shots blurry and I was getting glare from the surface. The web-cam had to go inside. In order to mount it, I needed a mounting system. I built a simple swiveling arm system with a connector on one end that snaps nicely onto the PVC piping. I can attach one or more arm segments (as I see fit) and at the end I have attached a cup to hold the foot of a Logitech Pro 9000 web cam. The cup holds the camera tightly, but allows some room to angle the camera to level it. The armature's hinge joints are sized to fit snugly so they don't move inadvertently. Given the STL files, you could easily print a cup or bracket that connects to whatever you need to mount your armature on, whether it be a desk, an upright beam of some kind, and at the other end, a receptacle for whatever you wish to hold.

Web Cam Mounting Armature
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Web Cam Mounting Armature
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)