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I made a 360 degree scan of myself using a kinect and an office chair.Quality would probably be better if you had someone else to wave the kinect around your head. At the least, they'd be able to capture the top of your head. :)Step 1: Sit in a spinnable office chairStep 2: setup kinect and reconstructme so only your upper body is inside the scan area.Step 3: slowly, slowly, spin spin yourself around in the chair while keeping your upper body in a static positionStep 4: load the reconstructme stl into NetFabb, repair it to make it solid, rotate it so it's right side up, then slice off the bottom to make bottom flatStep 5: OPTIONAL: Load stl into Meshlab and run filter -> Point Sets -> Poisson Reconstruction, set octree depth to 12 (this results in a smoother model)Step 6: Load stl into replicatorg, resize, center, place on tableStep 7: ...Step A: PROFIT!

Tony Buser Reconstructed
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Tony Buser Reconstructed
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)