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The case can be generated with few parameters. Added rounded corners (also parametric). Wall size is 3mm, more than enough. The photo shows a plexiglass of 6mm thickness, but next one I will do a 8mm version. It can be optimised without pocketing by using multilayer stacked rings on a base 2mm thick. Gcode is done for EMC2/Linuxcnc, with Heekscad.This was not done with a 3D printer but with a CNC machine. The milling took about 10mins. The workflow is: -create in openscad, generate STL, import in FreeCAD, export to iges/stp, import to heekscad, add tooling and cam operations -generate gcode Alternatively, you can skip Freecad and export 2D profiles to DXF and import to heekscad each profile sketch then add pocket and profile operations.

Arduino parametric bumper case
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Arduino parametric bumper case
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)