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This is probaly a derivitave of or the one before that, however this was designed completely from scratch. It completely replaces your janky stock Z-Axis bearings with smooth-sliding printed supports. Be sure to read instructions!Print the item. (designed for platform-free makerboting) Mirror item and print again. (for opposite side)Use a razor to cut away the outside edges. CAREFUL!! (sorry this Was printed on an ABP)Depending on how they print, you may want to take a drill and smooth out the Z-Axis holes. They work much better if they are clean and smooth. Do not drill out any wider. Find a bit that fits as is. Attach the 2 new Z-Axis prints via your 3 surrounding platform screws. *Do this evenly, do not tighten them down all at once. Do both sides at the same time. Once everything is in place and in line (with z rods inserted), finally tighten them down. The platform should now fall from very top to bottom, effortlessly. If they do not, there is something wrong. Do it again.IMPORTANT The top Z-Axis stopper-bolts MUST be short (12mm) for clearance. The Y-Axis also needs a small mod for clearance. To do this, simply take a small scrap wood piece of your makerbot and glue it to the back of your Y-Axis platform where the endstop meets the platform (see last pic). There is no loss of platform build size with doing this. This mod may decrease your Z-Axis build size just slightly. Also, do not attempt to install one at a time, do them both, as the endstop relies on the top piece to stop the platform from crashing into the top.As mentioned, this IS Automated Build Patform compatible. Just be sure to follow my directions and check clearances manually!UPDATE. Second file (delta) fixes a minor clearance issue with the Z axis endstop. Found it was clicking the clip on the way up.Delta file renderes correctly.Also, If you have not dumped the ABP, do it now! It sucks. Print quality is perfect now with HBP

TOM Z-Axis Bearing Mod (ABP OK)
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TOM Z-Axis Bearing Mod (ABP OK)
Delivery (May 05 - May 07)