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This is a remix of, or addition to the robotic hand made by embeddedjunkie. I created a forearm and stand for a school project that allows this hand to be used with servos and a microcontroller as a nice robotic hand. All credit for the hand goes to embeddedjunkie. I would like to redesign this forearm to make it more compact and realistic looking, so look for updates. Here are some short videos showing it's functionality embeddedjunkie's origninal thing for instructions on putting the hand together, along with rubberbands for tension. The servos I used were from Adafruit, Any normal sized micro-servo should fit the holders, though. The HornFits are used to give a better and more linear range of motion of the fingers, rather than simply attaching the strings to the horns of the motors, but that should work to some degree as well. Simply print 5 HornFits, and the top and bottom of the forearm, and the stand. Attach the HornFits to the servos as shown in the picture, and place one servo in each holder in the bottom forearm. Attach a string from each finger to a servo, and that's it. Most microservos turn in a 180 degree range, so set them all to 0 and tighten the strings. Turning the servos to 180 should close a finger. The holes in the top forearm are for wires and power to go in to the forearm, but I have attached the OpenSCAD file for the forearm if anyone wants to play with it to customize it to their needs. I tried to make the code as simple as possible. If any more detailed instructions are needed, just comment The total cost without printed parts for this build was around $100 but there are many areas to cut cost. The arduino ($30) could be replaced by any small microcontroller with enough PWM pins, or even just an ATMega without the whole arduino board. This would require a little additional circuitry. Also, there are many sources to get servos cheaper, we payed $12 each, but you can find them for $5 or less. So, it could be build for <$50 I believe.

Full Robotic Hand based on Robotic Hand v3.0
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 08
  • 0 parts
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Full Robotic Hand based on Robotic Hand v3.0
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)