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The brackets are designed to allow you to easily adjust each corners of your print bed.This part is design to be a fastening bracket for a heated bed attached to a long bolt. A spring is to be used to push the heated bed up. The bracket allows free movement of the bolt unless the fastening bolt is tightened.I have successfully used this in a few printers already. It eliminates the need to "guess" that you have the right "feel" of a thin material.Make sure that your slicer includes an initial 1 layer height on print start.The provided STL uses the following parameters:boltDiameter = 3.9; bracketDiameter = 15; bracketHeight = 6; nutHeight = 2.4; nutDiameter = 5.6; plateHeight = 3.5;The bolt Diameter should NOT match y our bolt diameter, it should be larger so the bolt doesn't snag too much.NOTE: This device requires your print head to push against the print bed. Make sure the fasteners are undone before calibrating and that your springs are not too strong as to damage your print head.You will need the following Per bracket:4 x M3x20 (M3x25, or shorter. As long as you can fasten it) 1 x M3x40 (or whatever bolt you currently use) 1 x M3x10 as a lock bolt 6 x M3 washers (4 for fastening, 2 for protecting heat bed, 1 for spring shield on plastic) 5-6 x M3 nuts (2 for fastening to bed, 2-3 for long bolt, 1 for locking.This parts list isn't strict. You may opt out of using so many washers, or glue the bracket in place for example.Print the provided STL or modify and render the SCAD file to your needs. The SCAD file isn't perfect but should allow you to adjust within a reasonable parameters.Before beginning make sure that Z home doesn't push down too much on the bed. If it does then you may experience problems at Y home or Y max with the bolt running into the frame. To prevent this try to minimise the bed push by adjusting your Z stop.The attached image shows one of my printers with the bolt pushed in from the heated bed. You might actually find it easier to turn the bolts upside down and lock the heat bed with two nuts instead of locking two nuts together. This saves you an M3 nut. Both ways work fine,

Semi-automatic bed levelling brackets
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 09
  • 0 parts
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Semi-automatic bed levelling brackets
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)