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This is a little starlight i made. It should give the illusion of depth by a diffuse plexiglas plate and optic fibers of different widths, light intensity and distance behind plexiglas. This is the first project i made for a 30 watt laser cutter I made this project in Inkscape it has some flaws in it, but i am satisfied with the end result and hope that is will inspire people to make something similar. Materials used: Electric components used of a cheap solar powered garden light (and later a single white led and a 3 Volt button cell.) The idea is that a diffuse plexiglas plate create a illusion of depth I have made this in an earlier project and want to see if I could make one in a wooden box and with less depth used. You might want to change the star-pattern because the 1.5mm fiber holes is used for the Capricorn constellation The plexiglas was clear and made diffuse with a sander (this was easier than expected). The design is multi layered, space behind the plexiglas is for the fibers witch have a varying difference in length and go to the second space. The second layer is nontransparent to stop light bleeding from the led, and will bundle the fibers to one single bundle, and in the next room is the light, there is not much room and in an earlier starlight i had a pvc tube to concentrate the light into all the fibers (with a bundle of fibers on one end and a PVC end-part with a led in de center on the other end) but in this project there was no room for that construction. The electrical part was a big flaw, before I started soldering it worked, in the wooden box it doesn't. I resolved this with some ducktape, led and 3V a battery (it will power the led minimal 1 day but this was a quick minimal electric component work-around). the flaws in the source file are that it should be 10 by 10 by 10 cm but is was +/- 20% bigger this is not a problem but the construction is not a very tight fit, if used with 7.5 mm multiplex (0.3") it should by fine, also there may be a cutting line in the second layer( where the fibers are sticking trough), but a little bit of glue fixed that, and I can't seem to find it in the source file ( i have very little experience in either Illustrator and Inscape. I hope this is easy readable because English is not my native language.

Mini star-light
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 10
  • 0 parts
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Mini star-light
Delivery (May 09 - May 11)