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Hack-A-Day created these designs for a sabot system for Red Bull cans for our entry into the Red Bull Creation contest. It allows cans to be fired from our pneumatic cannon, dubbed the High Velocity Beverage Delivery System.Each sabot also has attachments for a parachute and an LED (for night launches).1: Print one each of the can top, can bottom, and Hack-a-Day logo. 2: Attach two rubber bands to each of the loops in the can bottom 3: Drill holes in the bottom of the can bottom piece and back of HaD logo for the LED. 4: Make an LED throwie with a 10mm LED by placing the LED leads through the holes you just drilled, and taping a coin cell battery across the leads so the LED lights up. 5: Glue the HaD logo over the LED on the bottom. 6: Put a small Red Bull can in the can bottom, place the can top on the can, and attach the rubber bands so that each pair of rubber bands is hooked to the hooks in the can top that are two spots to either side of the loop in the can bottom that the rubber bands are hooked to. 7: Drill holes and attach a hexagonal, 33 inch diameter parachute to the can top. 8: Fold up parachute and wrap its cords around itself. 9: Place can in High Velocity Beverage Distribution System, or throw can high in the air. Parachute will open, and beverage will return safely to earth.

High Velocity Beverage Delivery Harness
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 09
  • 0 parts
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High Velocity Beverage Delivery Harness
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)