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This will be 3D printed near you and delivered to your door by May 08

This is a model of the hidden blade used in the first Assassins Creed game. Based on popular switchblade designs can now be printed and assembled for a working replica. Intended for display and bragging rights only! WARNING!! This object is very large by design and is meant for a Makerbot Replicators build plate! EDIT (05/08/2014) - I fixed all of the solid issues with the parts and replaced download files with updated versions. Still working on changing the design to a smaller version. EDIT (08/13/2014) - Alright, I'm getting a bit tired of the nasty remarks going around about this model and I'd like to clarify that I have been working on this model. The truth is, I haven't come up with a solution on how to fix this model since a friend of mine designed this and pawned it off on me. So, my only solution so far has been to create completely different models. However I don't feel like creating new pages thing pages for each one since I haven't even printed them. Please note that these are CONCEPT models only. I'm leaving the original model (don't expect a fix for it), adding Mark2 (replaces the original with the same mechanical concept), adding Mark3 (a rail gun type concept, add magnets in the top and base plates with magnet wire around the base of the blade), and Mark4 (a solenoid type concept, good luck...). So, as you can see, I have been working on this model and I've made sure to take into consideration what most people were saying about the original model. If you have any CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, I'd be happy to hear it. Thanks to everyone for admiring the potential of this model. These dimensions were meant for a MakerBot Replicator. Most files should be ready to go without need for rotating/centering the object. The only material concern lies with the Rotary Pin, which should be printed in PLA for its flexability. Things you'll need: 1 - ~5 lbs tension spring 2 - pen springs or conical springs (model is built for simple pen springs) 1 - string of varying length (this is to activate mechanism with simple pull of your wrist) 2 - beads (to catch rotary) 2 - velcro bands or elastic bands (your choice, to put on your forearm)

Assassins Creed Hidden Blade
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 08
  • 0 parts
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Assassins Creed Hidden Blade
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)