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a very slight remix of a popular and reliable model. I disliked how, on the old model, the "+" shape collected dirt and stuff after only a few hours of play, so i raised it to at least make it easier to clean...after sanding it flat on top... Also, after using these for a while i noticed the hard edge on the bottom of the old model was grinding and scraping up my controller D: so i cut a little off that edge using a boolean intersect from a UV cone to try and remedy that still sort of hits the controller but does not cut against the hard edges of the interface causing marks or degradation in either part...My test version was positioned exactly as seen in the picture above, required NO SCALING, and was printed with a .2mm layer height, no supports, and the standard Makerware raft on a Makerbot Rep. 2 Without supports the inside will warp and sink a little which gives the cap a very sturdy tight fit on the rubbery analog stick. Printing at highest possible resolution would be recommended, thus giving the model a better feel as it smooths out. I printed mine a little too rough and the ridges on the curved portion of the cap tend to pick up dirt still...but the "+" section is more or less self-cleaning while in use...i have yet to try and smooth the model out because i really like the grip and just wish i hadn't printed the piece in yellow as it always looks dirty...

REMIX: PS4 Analog Stick Extender
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 10
  • 0 parts
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REMIX: PS4 Analog Stick Extender
Delivery (May 09 - May 11)