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Hello ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking let me give you a real quick walk through of what you'll see when we get off the ship, first thing will be greeted by Master Chief in charge of Mars base one, ok as you step off the ship and into the pod you will notice that each one is the size of a small apartment, each pod serves its own purpose whether you're rapid prototyping with the most advanced MakerBot's or simply trying to grab a bite to eat or take a nap, each pod is engineered to the highest quality for your safety, equipped with over a thousand sensors to detect oxygen leak or radiation seeping into the pods, and will withstand high winds and mars rock impacts, in the near future NASA will be expanding the base underground, now as you follow me into the next pod you will notice that it is a little bit bigger and greener, what you are looking at is the most advanced aquaponics system to date here you will be growing your gardens and raising fish, ok follow me into the next pod watch your step, I know what most of you are already thinking Wow that is the most beautiful view of mars and yes this is the common area where you guys can come too relax and clear your head or find something to do, enough of the common area let take a look outside,as you look into the distance you will see some heavy machinery that looks similar to what you have on your desk yeah that's right that's the newest makerbot on steroids the spacebot x1 this machine will do it all from building pods to moving pods to drilling for samples, etc etc, you will also see several huge storage area that is where we hold all of the bases supplies and tool exchanges for the spacebot, alright let's wrap this up here's each of your transcripts if I missed something there will be guidebooks in the common area, thanks and enjoy your stay on Mars

Mars base one
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Mars base one
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)