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Be deliberate! Be strategic! Knowing the boundaries of your scene is vital to compositional and artistic control. These viewfinders straddle the body clip and give an accurate angular guide to composition. Keep in mind, for very close subjects, parallax effects will become significant. These can be used as is, but they are designed to temporarily snap together, mated with either a short length of 3mm filament, or 3mm rare Earth magnets, which will hold the VF in place - even inverted. ATTENTION This work is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial license. This license applies only to the files and documents available for download from the Thing Files section of this Thing. All other related content (photographs, videos, and verbiage such as contained in "Description" or "Instructions" ) are excluded from this license. with all rights reserved, unless specifically available for download This notice constitutes a clarification, not a change, to licensing for this design. These should be robust parts, print with 0.25mm layer height for accuracy and 2 perimeters/50% infill for strength. A 6mm length of 3.00 mm filament can be used to peg these parts together (glue only in the top of the body clip) or 3mm rare Earth magnets can be employed to hold them together. The holes are a nominal 3mm, but may need some enlarging with an appropriately-sized drill bit. The 3mm magnets I used are precisely 3mm; an 1/8 inch drill bit is approx 3.15mm. I used the next smaller size, 7/64ths and slightly enlarged the holes. If you're using superglue, you have essentially one shot to get the magnet seated completely in the hole.

Viewfinder for P6*6 / P6*6W Pinhole Cameras
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Viewfinder for P6*6 / P6*6W Pinhole Cameras
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)