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There are two files -- DX18-Mount-Nexus_7-no-case.stl, which is a mount for just a Nexus 7 (2013 version) and DX18-Mount-Nexus_7_45deg.stl, which is a mount for lazy people like me who hate to take their Nexus 7 out of their protective cases. It's just big enough to slide the Nexus in with the flap flipped open. This mount requires no bolts or extraneous hardware. Just slide it over the primary antenna. The original design was parallel to the antenna, but I found it hard to see without tilting the radio -- which made flying difficult. So, I angled the mount 45 degrees.

Nexus 7 mount for a Spektrum DX18 Transmitter
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Nexus 7 mount for a Spektrum DX18 Transmitter
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)