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** no supports required ** * small infill required, 2-5%, but can be printed at 0% infill if the total height of the print does not exceed 7cm)*** When I was about 10, I made one of these out of clay, and said to myself one day I would have a full size one, and well, it may not be able to print out 1:1 on my printer, but some lucky person out there will :) and while I can't print it 1:1, I can print it big enough to install all the led lights etc. This is the T-800 smoothed hi res version inside a sculpted head, so when it prints out the actual exoskeleton parts SHOULD print as smooth as the skin. Since I was going about cutting up an entire exoskeleton, I thought I would have some fun with the skull, and make the damage combination of Arnold and the T800. I have to apologize for my Arny face! would be one of the first times I have really tried to sculpt a face to look like a particular person rather than a re-sculpt, or making an alien etc... So I hope I did enough justice to his face to make it look enough like him. The hair I settled for strips of clay, and I had trouble giving him the messed hair look from T1, so I gave him the slick haircut from T2 :) much easier to sculpt. Test Print I printed mine at about 7cm high, 0.2mm with some cruddy red ABS that has a low tolerance and the lines are more visible, thats why I like the white filament (still waiting on my delivery :/) This print was done at 0% infill, 2 shells, a Raft and no support. The Raft was simply because it was a test print and I like a firm base for it, but the base is so wide and flat Raft is really not needed at all. It had issues under the back of the neck so I suggest SOME small infill.. but as for rafts and supports, I really don't see them being needed, mine had 1 single loop under the eyelid which to me is acceptable consider there is zero supports, and the chin prints without supports - I didn't have any overhang at all

T-800 Damage Bust (28MB)
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Order summary
T-800 Damage Bust (28MB)
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)