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This is a breadboard workstation for electronics hobbyists. It involves 3D printed components, some electronics and a little bit of woodwork to construct.The 3D printed components are provided here, for a full description of the project, and how to build it, please look at are a lot of variables involved in the construction, for a complete description on how to build your own you really need to look at the project page I set up for it - files as provided are set up for the following:If this is what you need (and you are going to design your own electronics) simply download 'bb_left.stl' and 'bb_right.stl' and print them. If you need to modify the dimensions you need to download 'breadboard.scad', 'bb_left.scad' and 'bb_right.scad' into the same directory and modify the variables at the top of 'breadboard.scad' as needed ('bb_left.scad' and 'bb_right.scad' simply include 'breadboard.scad' to do all the work and then rotate the output so it prints without overhangs).The file 'power_plate.scad' generates a mounting plate you can use to add sockets and switches to, the 'power_plate.stl' is the one I used for the components I have. If you want a mounting plate you will definitely have to modify the OpenSCAD file for the dimensions you need. I suggest starting with 'power_plate.scad' as a template - it's fairly well documented so you should be able to modify it fairly easily to match your requirements.As for the woodwork and electronics required - you really need to visit the project page I mentioned above, it's just a bit too much to squeeze into the instructions section here.If you have any questions or need any help please leave a comment here or at my site and I'll do my best to help you out.

Parametric Breadboard Workstation
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$ 0.00 + free delivery
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 13
  • 0 parts
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Parametric Breadboard Workstation
Delivery (May 12 - May 14)