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You'll be surprised (or at least I was) the first time you use your phone on a tripod. It's super easy to frame and focus, and the pictures come out much better than handheld. You can use a "regular" tripod, or there's a wealth of tiny ones (e.g., here , here, here, etc.) that fit on a table top; great for shooting small parts, documenting research or the steps in a project, etc. (see here, BTW, for a good tutorial on how to photograph small objects and projects.) My printer apparently has some issues printing small threads, so I took another crack at Giufini's fantastic Galaxy S4 Tripod Mount. This one uses a 1/4-20 T-nut (e.g. here ) to provide the mate to the tripod mounting screw, providing a strong and long-lasting attachment. If you don't have one of these T-nuts in your garage parts bin, they're readily available in any hardware store. The flats on the mount also let it work as a free-standing horizontal or vertical tabletop phone holder in a pinch.Print the part and clean up if desired. Mine was ready to use right off the printer. Prepare the T-nut by using pliers or a vise to bend the little teeth up flat, so there's an even flange at the base of the nut. Glue the T-nut into the printed part. I did this by (a) Mixing some epoxy, then waiting a bit until it was partially cured and paste-like (so it wouldn't run), (b) Putting a small amount of the epoxy slush in the recessed rim of the hole in the part, (c) Setting the T-nut into it, and (d) Actually mounting the whole thing on a tripod so the force of the mounting screw provides clamping force while the glue sets, and also ensuring the alignment of the T-nut is correct. Obviously this takes some care so you don't end up gluing the mount to the tripod. (You could also do this with a spare 1/4-20 bolt if you don't want to risk your tripod!) Once the glue sets, you're ready to shoot.

Galaxy S4 Tripod Mount (Remix)
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 12
  • 0 parts
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Galaxy S4 Tripod Mount (Remix)
Delivery (May 11 - May 13)