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--This is an alpha stage game any response, feedback, criticism, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.-- --During the actual release all artwork, characters, miniatures, and devices will be exchanged for original artwork / miniatures-- Boarding pod seven is a science fiction space-combat role playing game. Playtime is approximately 1-2 hrs. A few years ago some friends and I rigged together a game to turn S.H. into a multi-player dnd style campaign. This game is the result of condensing a similar campaign into a single, simplified, standalone board game. I assure you that the game (although resembling a copyrighted work) plays completely differently from the original. Only one mission type and board selection is available at this time. You may notice that for this ALPHA release I am including miniatures that more appropriately fit a copyrighted work known as "Space Hulk" (tm)(c) In theory these parts could be used for that game if one were to search for the rules on google. However the final release will have entirely different character models and artwork. (I am legally required to demand that you not use these parts for any copyrighted work. If you want to have fun playing space hulk, you'll have to shell out $500.) Note: Any similarities between this model and any real world product is purely coincidental. I am not affiliated with any gaming company or association in any way. Please support the official product. Note 2: Artwork from the cards section of this game was taken from a variety of sources including: Stock photos, deviant art, desktop wallpaper sites, and product information listings. Please do not look at, reproduce, examine,or claim any of this artwork. For the full release entirely original artwork will be used (and the bloody things won't look like magic cards). _ Note 3: Miniatures and pieces pictured here were neither painted by or assembled by me but by a third party with much more talent / better printer than I have. You know who you are. Thank You.

Boarding Pod 7 - Alpha
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 05
  • 0 parts
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Boarding Pod 7 - Alpha
Delivery (May 04 - May 06)